Your Weekly Oracle

Every week Arkayla Shares a free oracle card reading to offer you energetic guidance for your week ahead. Helping you feel more confident and supported as you move through each day.

Check out this weeks video and tune in with your card transmission through the links below.

Select your energy transmission

1:1 Sessions

Trained by Shamans in the earth realm and Ascended Masters in the spirit realm, Kay is able to tune into your field from anywhere. All her sessions are online as this allows her to tap into and support your field wherever you are..


Shekinah Sanctuary offerings

  • Monthly Energy Transmissions

    Receive a galactic transmission of higher dimensional frequencies to elevate your vibration and Soul Self connection.

  • Sanctuary Support

    Access a series of recordings, videos, guided healings and tutorials filled with powerful techniques to help you lead a more fulfilled and heart centred life.

  • Inner Alchemy Training

    Be guided by Arkayla through the philosophical perspectives she uses to live a more multi dimensional and spiritually in tune life.