Shekinah Transmission
Elevate and expand your energy field through regular attunment with galactic frequencies.
Shekinah means dwelling place of light, the Shekinah Transmissions enable you to connect with the dwelling place of light within you.
As a Shekinah Sanctuary Member you are invited to join these monthly energy transmissions in which ArKayLa aligns with the Pleadians and other Ascended Beings to transmit high galactic frequencies into your energy field to support your ability to sustainably maintain higher frequencies at will.
She will also clear, upgrade, activate and and transform that which needs support and assistance within you and others in the group.
With regular attunements through these transmissions your ability to connect with your own guides and the spirit realm in general will become easier and more accessible to you.
What you can expect from Shekinah Transmissions
Receive galactic frequencies as they are channelled through the portal of ArKayLa from the cosmos into your field. Helping you realign with your Starseed origin energy.
These sessions will be specifically attuned to help you receive lightcode activations and upgrades from the cosmos, your star family and ascended light beings.
Your guides, healthy ancestors and Ascended Masters will be invited into the container to offer guidance and support that is relevant for your journey.